Posts Tagged ‘play’

magic potion kit

magic potion kit

This, my friends, is what my kids did all weekend (and last weekend and the one before). What are they doing? Making magic potions, of course!

magic potion kit

My creative, talented, and lovely friend Helen, and her son, made this amazing Magic Potion Kit.  My son was very lucky to receive it for his birthday. It couldn’t have been more perfect. Previously my son had been making odd mixtures from glue and dirt and soap and whatever else he could scrounge up. Now he had ingredients never before seen to man, replete with pipettes and giant caldron!

magic potion key

The magic potion kit has all the things a 6 year old could want:

  • messy things
  • exploding things
  • yucky things
  • magical things

The magic potion kit also has everything a mother could ever want:

  • non-toxic things
  • easily clean-up-able things
  • cheap and easily replaceable things
  • quiet children engaged in creative play


magic potion kit

1. danger! live slime  2. unicorn tears  3. moth wings and bat claws  4. juicy eyeballs 5. magic potions  6. bat tongues  7. dragon skin  8. ground up vampire bones 9.a great big caldron full of magic!


mixing magic potions

I love how every bit of this gift is handmade, most of it is recycled, and all of it inspires creativity. What more could you want?


summer journal: recycling

guy house: the jail, back door, and greenhouse

Raid the recycling! Slap it together with hot glue! Decorate with tape! and whatever else is lying around!

guy house: ladder to the pool

My kids call it the guy house, “because it’s for guys, Mom, not dolls.” Playmobile guys, lego guys, little people guys, calico critter guys, everybody can go swimming in the stripy pool!

guy house: hammock!

What I really wanted to do was spray paint the whole thing one color (safety orange!) but my kids were having such a blast decorating it that I couldn’t spoil the fun. Tape turned out to be the easiest way to make it awesome. Mostly we used duct tape and the washi like tape from target.  Bonus: the tape box made a sweet hammock.

guy house: front door

Go glue things together!