kcwc fall 2011!

September 13th, 2011

kcwc button for fall 2011

It’s time again for another edition of KCWC: kids clothes week challenge.  KCWC is a twice-annual event where I challenge you to commit to sew children’s clothes for an hour each day for 7 days. Fall is coming (at least in these parts) and my kids could use some cozy pants and sweaters–and pretty soon we’ll need hats and mittens too! All that sewing is a little overwhelming, but I am always amazed at how much I get done by putting in a bit of time every day.

kcwc button for fall 2011 (spin)

If you have more questions about how KCWC works, you can jump over to the FAQ page. Then jump back here and leave a comment on this post telling me you are in! That’s all it takes. Then on the second week of October there will be hundreds (really, hundreds) of people cheering you on to make awesome clothes for your kids.

kcwc button for fall 2011 (blue)

In the mean time, feel free to browse around the elsiemarley flickr group for inspiration–join the group so you can post pictures for this one–and look at my posts from older KCWCs! If you have a blog, you can copy and paste the button below (fancy, html code to come when tech support/husband returns).  So leave a comment and sign up! spread the word! sew like crazy!


kcwc fall 2011 buttons:







363 Responses to kcwc fall 2011!

  1. Ani says:

    I’m so in!

  2. Lindsey says:

    I’m in for another round & excited about it, too. I hope to make clothes for my 10-year-old son & 6-year-old daughter this time around. Goal: At least 1 item for each of them. Thank you!

  3. gail says:

    i’m in, too! so looking forward to it!

  4. KCWC is always fun and motivating, looking forward to it!

  5. Hurray!!!! Yes please, count me in. I am going to set myself some realistic targets this time……!

  6. Wendy says:

    Awesome! Count me in!

  7. Krista says:

    I love KCWC!! Definitely in.

  8. I’m in, I have a pile of fabrics at the ready – now, what shall I begin with?

  9. Dorie says:

    oh, I’m in, even though my kid is more or less in the too-old-to-wear-anything-you-make stage. I’m hoping I can get her to adopt the cowl. good luck.

  10. Beth says:

    I have been following you for a while now, and will finally take the challenge!

  11. I’m in! I can’t wait! :0)

  12. Laura says:

    WOOO WOOO! I can’t wait to see what everyone is making this year and look forward to your posts, Meg.

  13. georgine says:

    Count me in! I have a stash of fabric and some patterns waiting to be used. Good time to have it, allows me time to get all the trims and stuff I need. Thanks!!!

  14. Lia says:

    SWEET! That is the week of my fall break. I can’t wait to sew up a storm. Looking forward to fun Meg.

  15. Jenn says:

    I’m in! I should have a newborn (Due Oct 3), so will be around the house to participate!

  16. hayley l. says:

    Count me in, Meg! I need a fire under my a…I mean I need some inspiration in the form of peer pressure to blow the dust off my sewing machine and get rolling again.

  17. I’m in – this time I’m really going to do it!!! My girls need some new clothes. Tone

  18. Jacqueline says:

    I always love this time! I am in. If I remember correctly crochet counts. right?

  19. Angela Tobin says:

    Brilliant! I’ve never been able to take part in one of these before but I will definitely be in for this one! I am busy sewing for the next four week for a craft fair I’m doing so this will come straight after that. I can’t wait!

  20. Georgi P. says:

    Yeah KCWC!! I’m in – but I really need to know where you got those green runners??!! LOVE them!

  21. Nele says:

    Oh yes! Count me in!

  22. Sarah AJ says:

    I’m in too! Can’t wait. :)

  23. Carla says:

    I am sooo in!!! I’ve already got a list that probably needs editing.

  24. Joanna says:

    Ooh. I want to play this year!

  25. sarah M says:

    I have seen this the last two times and am now able to participate! Looking forward to it,
    Sarah M