craft in at the capitol

February 24th, 2011

By now I’m sure most of you have heard about the protest going on in Madison, WI.  So this month, in lieu of our regular wine and chocolate and stitching and bitching craft night, we tromped down to the capitol and crafted for change.

I’m going to refrain myself from political speeches here–though by the signs it’s quite obvious what my politics are–but I will share some pictures, because it was amazing. The capitol was full of spirited drumming, moving speeches, the kindness of friends and strangers, and so many awesome hand lettered signs.

The sign behind her says:

what we think
what we know
what we believe
is of little
compared to

I don’t know anything about spinning, but I know that this is one super cool spinning machine.

hey look! it’s me.

Posted in craft.

36 Responses to craft in at the capitol

  1. Oh, this is so cool. I hope you don’t mind that I’m sharing it on Facebook.

  2. julia says:

    you are awesome! way to go meg and fellow crafters! we’re with you!!

  3. Wendy says:

    I love that you’re making something rather than trying to break and tear things down. Go Meg!

  4. Love this. We have a very similar bill being debated in Ohio right now, with protests happening just a few miles from me at our Statehouse. Maybe I’ll have to do this here in Ohio as well.

  5. Cool! Wish I could be there! I’m sharing this on FB.

  6. JC says:

    this is awesome! my brother has been there many days protesting, so thanks for joining in!

  7. Kristen says:

    WOOOHOOOO! I love this!
    (spouse of a WI schoolteacher)

  8. Bea says:

    Love!! I believe that lady is spinning on a cotton spinning wheel similar to what Gandhi used, so it’s very appropriate :)

  9. Helen says:

    Sorry to miss you all last night. Looked so fun! I am doing my time tonight at the Conservation Sleepover at the Capitol

  10. Heather says:

    Nice job! I love that you had a craft-in. Such a beautiful display. I also love her sign. It speaks volumes. So, what did you make :)

  11. Sarah AJ says:

    How awesome are you all?!
    (another spouse of a WI teacher)

  12. jess says:

    i LOVE this! i’m in wisconsin too – a former teacher as well, so this is all near and dear to my heart. wish i could have joined you!

  13. s says:

    Very cool! The atmosphere there is so positive, what a great way to contribute.

  14. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by InMadison, jenn976 and WEAC, meg. meg said: protest crafting: […]

  15. Kari E says:

    Love you all for doing this – I wish I could’ve been there, but I had classrooms full of kiddos to talk to the next morning. Hopefully I’ll have the opportunity to head down on Saturday.

    Thanks for being good to me.

  16. Marina says:

    I heard about this today and was so bummed I didn’t participate. I’ve been in the capitol with my union on and off since last Thursday, and how random that I take a few minutes to catch up on blogs and think about something else and I find out you were one of the participants! (I’ve been reading (lurking!) your blog for awhile now.) Thank you so much for coming out and thank you for doing something so awesome and positive. It’s been so inspiring to see how many people have come out every single day and to see how overwhelmingly positive and respectful everyone has been. Thank you thank you thank you.

  17. gretchen says:

    sharing it on facebook too! we need politics in our craft blogs, and vice versa!

  18. congratulations! i’m there with you in spirit!

    marilyn g

  19. Rebel Girl says:

    Love this. Thanks for being there. Solidarity forever.

  20. Courtney says:

    So inspiring! Wish I could have joined you!

  21. June says:

    Like. Good for you all!

  22. Holly says:

    I am smiling. One more reason I love you, Meg.

  23. Carrie says:


  24. hillary says:

    Yeah Meg! This is awesome!!