craft in at the capitol

February 24th, 2011

By now I’m sure most of you have heard about the protest going on in Madison, WI.  So this month, in lieu of our regular wine and chocolate and stitching and bitching craft night, we tromped down to the capitol and crafted for change.

I’m going to refrain myself from political speeches here–though by the signs it’s quite obvious what my politics are–but I will share some pictures, because it was amazing. The capitol was full of spirited drumming, moving speeches, the kindness of friends and strangers, and so many awesome hand lettered signs.

The sign behind her says:

what we think
what we know
what we believe
is of little
compared to

I don’t know anything about spinning, but I know that this is one super cool spinning machine.

hey look! it’s me.

Posted in craft.

36 Responses to craft in at the capitol

  1. grace says:

    As a teacher in IL, thank you for fighting!

  2. Julie says:

    Too bad you had to get political on us. I am a former teacher (having taught in both public and private schools) from WI and I proudly support Gov. Walker. Regardless of my views and yours, I still think you are a talented crafter. :)

  3. Hilary says:

    I’m in northern WI, and I love your blog. Thank you so much for supporting worker rights! I’m so proud of our fellow Wisconsinites for staying smart, civil, peaceful, and active!

  4. Erika says:

    Right on sister. I’m proud to be your neighbor! I just heard about the cops joining the protesters in the capital?…amazing.

  5. Jen says:

    Thanks for showing your support! I am a public employee– I work for Dane County Human Services. This is a vital time for our state and I appreciate your involvement!

  6. Elizabeth says:

    How did I miss that you live in Madison? My brother lives there. Next time I visit, we should meet up!

  7. hey meg! I am behind on your blog but wanted to add a belated “way to go” here, anyway.

  8. Lisa L. says:

    I love that you’re from Wisconsin, ridiculously talented, and out fighting (in a civil manner) for your cause regardless of which side of the aisle you’re on. As a Wisconsinite at heart (now living in Ohio), I’m SO GLAD I found your blog!