kids clothes week spring 2012

March 21st, 2012

big button for kids clothes week challenge

Spring has sprung and that means it’s time again for kcwc! Kids Clothes Week Challenge is a bi-annual event here on elsie marley where I challenge you to sew one hour a day, each day for 7 days.  The idea is that we all have the urge to sew clothes for our children, but we don’t always give ourselves the time to do it.  If you commit to sitting in front of your sewing machine, or tracing patterns, or cutting fabric, for one hour each day, then at the end of the week you will have some very well dressed kids. And a very proud mama (or papa) too!

button for kids clothes week challenge

All you need to do to sign up is leave a comment on this post. If you would like to know more about kcwc you can check out the kcwc faq page. You can also head to the elsie marley flickr group to check out creations from kcwc past or see all my posts on kcwc here.

If you would like to sponsor elsie marley during kcwc, I would love to have you! Kcwc has become wonderfully successful, so much so that traffic to this little blog doubles during kcwc month! Sponsor spots go up a bit in price ($40) but it’s totally worth it. Drop me a line if you’d like to get in on the action.

Okay! leave a comment and sign up! spread the word! and sew like crazy!


kcwc spring 2012 buttons:









692 Responses to kids clothes week spring 2012

  1. Melissa says:

    This sounds like so much fun! I am in!

  2. Sarah Ross says:

    I’m in! Well, I hope I’m in. I was going to be in last time, but I didn’t quite make it.

  3. Katie says:

    Sign me up- I love this!

  4. Laney says:

    Woohoo, count me in too. I can’t wait!

  5. kelsy says:

    The 23rd had better come soon, before the stack on my sewing table gets any taller!!

  6. Lauri says:

    Perfect! Now I’ll have a reason to try all that stuff I keep putting on Pinterest!

  7. MJ says:

    I’m in!! I missed the last one and was soo sad, my friend just had a baby so I’m ready to make her some tiny baby stuff!!

  8. Count me in!! I have some empty wardrobes that need filling.

  9. Upstatemamma says:

    I’m in :) I have lots of ideas floating around in my head that I want to make for my kids so this is a great way to force me to actually get it done. :)

  10. Linda says:

    I’ll be joining in!

  11. I’ve been waiting to join in the KCWC since I stumbled across the Elsie Marley blog in the fall. Thanks Meg for curating so many great pin boards. So many inspiring ideas.

  12. Patsy says:

    Oh, I’m so glad you sent out an email today (April 12) about your inspirations for kcwc or I might have missed it!!!! So i’m signing up now. I also followed you on Pinterest and will share some of my links for kids clothes patterns and tutorials.

  13. Liz F says:

    Im so excited! I have a long “to-do” list!

  14. Kelley says:

    I’m in!!! I have it all planned out already! crazy fun.

  15. Kelly says:

    I am in. Already trying to plan and cut patterns for the week!

  16. Kylie says:

    Count me in – we are into Autumn over here so will be getting ready for winter.

  17. I’m so in! Thinking summer outfits!

  18. Katie says:

    I’m in!!

  19. Christy says:

    So many patterns and fabric languishing in the closet will now be freed!

  20. Marieke says:

    I’m in!!! Can’t wait ’till he 23 rd! Marieke

  21. Suzanne says:

    I’m up for a little grandkid Spring sewing!

  22. This is JUST what I need to inspire me to get sewing again! THANKS!

  23. Jennifer says:

    Okay, I’ll do it, but mostly to allow myself built-in procrastination from my last week of teaching this semester. (Whee!)

  24. Valeria says:

    I’m also in. I’ll try to get something done ;)

  25. Amanda says:

    I can’t remember if I have replied yet or not…..but I so would love to join in with this challenge. It is just what i need.