kids clothes week spring 2011

April 14th, 2011

Spring is here and my kids have no clothes to wear. Well not really, but definitely not enough cute, springtime ones. KCWC to the rescue! If you have no idea what I’m talking about, that is completely understandable. KCWC stands for Kids Clothes Week Challenge. It’s one week (I’m sure you figured that out) where we commit to sew one hour a day for 7 days. Sewing clothes, of course, for our kids!  Or other people’s kids, but not your inner child and absolutely not your canine child.

Sound good? Want to make a big pile of little skirts and dresses and shorts and bow ties? Because a lot can happen in a week if you put in a little time each day. And with hundreds of people sewing along with you and cheering you on, well, you can’t help but make great stuff! So leave a comment on this post to tell me you are in! Then grab a button and post it on your blog (if you’ve got one) to spread the word. You can even head over to the elsiemarley flickr group to check out past KCWC and join so you can post for this one.

If you’d like to know a little more about KCWC, hop on over to the FAQ page. Then hop back here and sign up!


kcwc buttons:

(copy and paste the code under the buttons)

<a href="">
   <img src="">

<a href="">
    <img src="">

452 Responses to kids clothes week spring 2011

  1. alexis says:

    I’m in – just the push I need to finally use those fabrics I’ve been buying up for this project or that but never got around to and try out some of the great tutorials on the net and patterns in the books I’ve bought but never used!!!

  2. Jen says:

    I’m in! *pushes other projects aside*

  3. Kellie says:

    Am I too late? I would love to participate. What a great way to get a jump on things. Thanks!

  4. Rebekah says:

    I’m in, too. I have unofficially tried to participate in the past but this time I WILL do it! I actually got a little head start and cut some fabric for some skirts today :)

  5. Katie says:

    I’m in! Thanks for the motivation!

  6. Doris says:

    I am def. in!!! I have a new grandbaby and she needs new outfits! I will post the button on my blog.

  7. What a great idea! I am so in. Hopefully I can actually make a dent in that to do list!

  8. Belinda says:

    I am in! We are heading to Florida for 9 days in August with our 4 kiddos in tow. I am hoping ot make a HUGE dent in our clothing needs. Thanks :)

  9. shisomama says:

    I think I’m in, though this has the slight feel of a suicide mission. I vaguely remember cursing your good name the last time I participated. ;) No, really, I’ve been looking forward to this for a while now!

  10. Jill says:

    I’m in … last session I made it happen every day, so here’s hoping for a repeat!

  11. Tone says:

    I’m in – (I can’t remember if I signed up already) I’m so looking forward to this – I’m making a dress and two coats – at least. Tone

  12. kathryn says:

    I’m in!! My poor sewing machine has been a tad neglected lately.

  13. Renee says:

    I’m in. I started a day early because I have to take my free time when I can get it! But I think I’ll get a few more dresses finished and maybe a couple of pairs of shorts for the little one.

  14. Woo-hoo! This will be fun! My little man is getting a hat, some slippers and some new church pants.

  15. HUGE fan of your site! If I hadn’t already spent the last 2 months + dedicated to sewing Spring wardrobes for my little girls, I would be all over this! I just finished up my series of 3 Spring Wardrobes on my blog, all with free tutorials. I would be honored if you would check it out:

  16. heleen says:

    A last minute subscription for me, but I am in! I would have had a friend visiting, but finally he couldn’t come. So now I have an other distraction that will lighten-up the hearts of my girls too!

  17. Kerry says:

    I’m in. I have some things in mind that I have to make for Alivea anyway. This is a great way to get my butt in gear.

  18. ChristineG says:

    What a terrific challenge. I’m going to be joining you, too. :)

  19. Melissa says:

    I’m in as well. Just the push I’ve needed! Thanks!

  20. Sarah says:

    Funny thing about your challenge, I was already designating this week to some of my “unfinished” sewing projects. This will be alot of fun now! I am totally in!!!!

  21. Danielle says:

    Last minute, but I’m in!

  22. AngelaS says:

    I want to join in. I think it’s about time I started a blog. I just need to come up with a good name.

  23. Claire says:

    I’m in!

  24. Melissa says:

    I’m in! Very last minute, just saw the link on Fishstick Designs page & very excited to join in…my little guy NEEDS some spring/summer clothes!