kids clothes week fall 2012

September 18th, 2012

The temperature has dropped and fall is finally on it’s way! It must be time for another edition of KCWC.  Kids Clothes Week Challenge is a bi-annual event here on elsie marley where I challenge you to sew one hour a day, each day for 7 days.  The idea is that we all have the urge to sew clothes for our children, but we don’t always give ourselves the time to do it.  If you commit to sitting in front of your sewing machine, or tracing patterns, or cutting fabric, for one hour each day, then at the end of the week you will have some very well dressed kids. And a very proud mama too!

If you would like to know more about kcwc you can check out the kcwc faq page. You can also head to the elsie marley flickr group to check out creations from kcwc past or see all my posts on kcwc here.

So what are you waiting for? Sign up! How do you sign up?  Just leave a comment on this post telling me that you are in. Then go tell all your friends to sign up too! Spread the word on twitter, instagram, pinterest, tumblr with the #kcwc hashtag. Slap a button on your blog or on your facebook page. Link to this post and try to get all your facebook friends who sew to join too. I bet your mom would like to be invited. Last year I think there we had almost 700 people sign up. Can we make it to 800? 900? Now I’m starting to sound like a politician! Go knock on some doors for kcwc!

kcwc buttons:

(copy and paste the code under the buttons)

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644 Responses to kids clothes week fall 2012

  1. Marya says:

    Last spring’s was lots of fun so I’m back for more KCWC!

  2. Sarah Ross says:

    Yay! I’m in! Must immediately spend hours on Pinterest and make plans.

  3. Johanna says:

    I’m in! And hopefully this time, I’ll actually be able to get my plans finished!

  4. Jane says:

    yes indeedo i’m in!! :)

  5. Petra says:

    In, of course…this will be my 3rd one.

  6. Chelise says:

    My first time for kcwc!

  7. Totally in!! Sounds like so much fun and my kids need so many clothes!

  8. Mara says:

    I’m in! But this time I’ll keep it calm…

  9. Anja says:

    Yes!!!!!!!!! I’m IN!

  10. Meg says:

    I have plans!!!

  11. Jessica says:

    I’m in. let’s do this.

  12. Patty says:

    I’m in for sure!! My daughter news some clothes and now I’m staring to make stuff for my little one year old too. I’m going to go pick fabrics and patterns right now, my favorite part!

  13. Alison says:

    This will be my first one and looking forward to it.

  14. Toni-Maree says:

    My first time :) im in!

  15. Pavitra Chakravarty says:

    Hi Elsie.
    I am determined to make some button down shirts, using Oliver + S patterns, pants using Blank slate patterns and Figgy’s Dapper Dillinger and Oliver & S’s Cargo pants, Figgy’s Banyan Tee…Looking forward to this….

  16. Carla says:

    Oh I am so in, it’s too much fun to skip!

  17. cynthia says:

    I’m so excited to do this again. This will be my second time and I really loved it last spring. I never took any pictures to post as I was too busy sewing but I’m going to try and docuent at least one project this year Time to get planning!

  18. jessie huish says:

    I am SO excited, we LOVE seeing what everyone else makes, but this year we will be sewing up a storm!!! yay for small people that simply look adorable in anything!

  19. Diana says:

    I’m in : ))

  20. Merrill says:

    I was just looking at last year’s challenge yesterday trying to guess when this year’s would be! I’m in!

  21. Janay says:

    Can’t wait, it is finally getting cooler here and I’m ready for some fall sewing!

  22. sarah r. says:

    i’m in! i’ll have to start thinking of what to make…hmm…

  23. sonia says:

    I’m in!!! Oh my, I’m excited.

  24. lila jo says:

    sooooo excited! I have been in a funk too, and anxious to get some creativity juices flowing!