kcwc fall 2012: day three

October 10th, 2012

kids clothes week challenge day 3

1. kcwc day3  2. a butterick dress experiment 3. flashback skinny tee 4. kcwc4

The flickr pool is bursting with beautiful hand sewn clothes!  How is your sewing going? Humming along? Or did you hit a snag? Are you ready to throw those pants (top, skirt, sewing machine) across the room?

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dancing floral leggings and tunic

This tunic has been on my to do list for years…years! How is it that my sewing list is that long? Probably because things like ridiculously flowery leggings jump in line to get sewn first.

floral leggings

the leggings

the pattern: drafted a pattern off some good fitting leggings

the fabric: a maxi skirt I bought on sale at Target

the sewing: wham bam!

tunic back

the tunic

the pattern: I bought this pattern at a thrift store when my daughter was still a toddler. Granted I barely knew how to read a pattern, much less resize one, but the topstitching and the little square pocket were too perfect (and it was 10 cents). Over the years the pattern has come out and written down as next on the list, but it always found its way back into the drawer. Now that my daughter is a size 6, I figured I better sew this sucker up once and for all.

simplicity 7241

the fabric: some really lovely wool blend that I was saving for a skirt for myself…for two years. There is still enough left for a skirt (I think), but now the fabric isn’t giving me the evil eye.

the sewing: The sewing went pretty well. It is a very basic pattern, but basic in 1975 is pretty advanced these days. I simlified the way they wanted me to put in the zipper–it doesn’t look perfect, but I didn’t rip it out ten times either. The direction for the pocket were in some alien language, so I totally winged it and it worked out just fine.  I’ll be honest, I’m pretty crazy for how this whole outfit turned out!

tunic in the woods

57 Responses to kcwc fall 2012: day three

  1. AnnaPK says:

    I have finished 3 Halloween tees (a 12M, a 4T and a 6), a pair of monster truck pants with wonky pockets, a pair of fleece zip-up footie PJs (my 1st try at that), and a pair of leggings that I messed up and quickly pretended that what I really meant to make was pants for the baby. :) Today I am going to work on a pair of pieced jersey pants that I saw either here or on the KCWC pinterest board.
    Thank you for another seasonal inspiration to get things done!!!!!

  2. JC says:

    I just wanted to thank you for doing the kcwc. I’m still very new to sewing and this has been the perfect source of inspiration!

  3. erin says:

    ok. those leggings? awesome sauce! it has me thinking that i should be looking for some fun knits to make some for kate. the problem with a 10 year-old that wears a women’s xs is that the fun factor gets lost. thanks for inspiring me, meg.

  4. Kristi says:

    Alien language or not, that top is very cool. Love the mix of texture and print.

  5. Robin says:

    The whole outfit is fantastic! I love the fun combo, and those leggings are uber cool. As for sewing this week, I’ve hit a few snags (mixed up the front and back bodice pieces, cut a few things wrong and had to redo them), but all in all it’s going well. I do wish I had started over the weekend, I am definitely behind in blogging (and picture taking due to limited hours of child + sunlight), though! Next time. =)

  6. Chelise says:

    LOVE those leggings!

  7. Venus says:

    Holy cow! I am digging the leggings and the top is awesome!!!

    MAN! There are soooo many great pieces out there. I love it!

  8. Molly says:

    That tunic is wonderful! I want one for myself. I find myself thinking that often when I visit your kids clothes posts. You have such a knack for fabric and style pairings.

  9. best. outfit. ever. can you sew one for me? really, this is ridiculously cute.

  10. dana says:

    love love love this Meg! Great fabric choice on the leggings.

  11. Amy says:

    Love this outfit! And I love that we can share KCWC on instagram. I had no intention of blogging this stuff due to time etc, and I love seeing (and sharing) quick pics on Instagram.

    Great outfit, perfect inspiration for KCWC!

  12. Anneliese says:

    Oh, that is fantastic! I love retro patterns. Wishing I had that tunic one… And I love the repurposed fabric for the leggings. I’m all for ridiculous florals!

  13. jess says:

    Those leggings just made my week!
    I need to get on that for my lady.

  14. Wendy says:

    I love everything about this outfit–gorgeous!

  15. Brooke says:

    Oh I love that tunic! And it looks quite cute with the leggings :)

  16. What an amazing shirt! Love that its a 1970s pattern, yet you’ve made it look so modern! So perfect with those leggings too!

  17. Cherie says:

    Gahh – love those leggings and the tunic, too! What a great fall outfit. Thanks so much for featuring my tee. Such an exciting start to my day!

  18. Martha says:

    Love this outfit:) Love kcwc, Thank you for kcwc!!!! This is my first time joining in and has been so much fun:) I just love looking at all the pictures on Flickr, which leads to blogs, which leads to buying just one more cute pattern and ending with a really long to do and fabric wish list:) I am really thankful for all the sewing/crafting bloggers..you all are amazing!

  19. unikuu says:

    i have finished that one warm jacket and i´m going to start another one.

  20. kristin says:

    oh that tunic is awesome! very japanese pattern bookish! and shoot, now that i know bolt still has that floral knit, it’s going to be very hard to resist a trip there this weekend. kinda want to copy your leggings.

  21. Carla says:

    Fan-frikin-tastic! I ADORE this outfit!

  22. Love that tunic!

    Sigh, I should be tidying. Found out yesterday that my mother-in-law is making a surprise trip into town today. Hopefully I’ll get to squeeze in my hour of sewing later. Does she not know it’s KCWC??

  23. mandie says:

    That outfit is darling! I really like that you used wool for the tunic!! I love ‘nice’ kid’s clothes!

  24. Kelly says:

    I have been working on a pair of pants and a top for my daughter for 3 days now. I am determined to finish them today. Everyone else is getting projects done so quickly!

  25. Hannah Shin says:

    What a rockin’ outfit. I love every bit of it.

    I’m having so much fun, this is my first KCWC…
    do I need to officially enter? How do I do that?