Archive for the ‘kcw fall 2014’ Category

kcw fall 2014: moon phase sleeper

moon phase sleeper // elsie marley

This KCW has been all about making gifts for babies. I thought it would be super quick and I could crank em out. Not so. As I’ve gotten better at sewing, I’ve gotten slower. Seems counterintuitive, I know. Yes, I can sew faster, but now when I make things I want to make them better not faster. That means slowing down and ironing a hem before I sew it–pinning it even! [just as an aside: I listened to a podcast where the interviewee, Soyna Phillip, said the same thing. It’s a good one, go listen] (more…)

kcw fall 2014: storybook

I Can Fly! // elsie marley

The theme for this season’s KCW is STORYBOOK. I have a lot of favorite kids’ books, but this one is my favorite favorite. It’s fun to read, which is a must when it comes to kid’s books. I hate slogging through poorly written bleh books (I’m looking at you Berenstain Bears). But I Can Fly is wonderfully written, which is not a big surprise seeing that it’s by the great children’s book author, Ruth Krauss. She’s written some fantastic books. A Hole is to Dig is really good too: random and perfectly kid. (more…)