belt giveaway *giveaway closed*

February 18th, 2010

Wow! There has been such an amazing response to the boy belt tutorial! I think there must be a lot of boys out there running around with their pants falling down–no more!

To thank you for all your kind words and links I thought I’d giveaway a few of the belts I made, because as you can see they are not keeping any pants up around here. The skinny plaid one and the wider wood grain belt are up for grabs (for a better picture look here). If you’d like to enter tell me a funny story about a little boy you know–a brother, a son, the crazy little boy down the street. There is always one who tried to fly from on top of the refrigerator or covered himself in crisco or skiied down the basement stairs. If you can’t think of a story, just tell me which one you’d like. And if you’d like to be entered twice you can subscribe to my blog (and tell me in your comment) or link to the belt tutorial on your blog or tweet it. Or all three if you’d like, but I’ll only love you more–just 2 entries max per person! I will pick two winners (pick a winner!) on Monday morning, February 22 CST.  Good luck!

Posted in misc.

155 Responses to belt giveaway *giveaway closed*

  1. I have 4 little boys but my 3 year old skinniest boy (the one who needs a belt) ran out of my room the other day doing a little dance with my bra on saying “Me a Mommy, me a mommmy.” I was the only one home but I thought it was funny.

  2. Kim says:

    My sister was rushing her 5 kids to church, desperately trying to get everyone out the doors, when she discovered her 3 year-old boy had changed from his dress clothes to play clothes. Already running late, she let it slide, and off they went. Much to her dismay, once they arrived he revealed that underneath the play clothes was his 4 year-old sister’s pink swimsuit, complete with ruffle! That nephew is now 15, but we still haven’t let him live it down. P.S. I subscribed yesterday once I fell in love with the belts. Does that count?

  3. Andrea says:

    Thanks for the great tutorial, I’ll be making some of these for my sons soon. BUT if I could win one of the two made ones already, it would brighten one of them instantly as his brother’s hand-me-down pants are slightly to big in the waist for him . . . and will save him from any further embarrassing moments when he decides that wearing underwear is not for him. . .

  4. Rachel says:

    So cute. I wish I was able to make one of those amazing belts, just don’t have the cash for the supplies at the moment.
    The other week, my 2yo son was in hospital after having a seziure. He was so sleepy. Anyway, we had to go in for a chest xray and after the light flashed, everything was fine! He started jumping around and being silly. Next time he’s sick I’ll remember to flash a light in his face lol

  5. Sara says:

    I don’t think I can top some of these stories…. I have 2 boys (and a girl) and at this late hour nothing is coming to mind. BTW I love the woodgrain belt.

  6. Suzy says:

    Wow! Thanks for having a giveaway! (I just discovered you via Dana…) Love your blog.

  7. Candace H says:

    ♥ these belts but they probably won’t fit my “not so little boy” any longer… he’s moved on to wanting to put “Pants on the Ground” on his iPod and getting ready to need a belt everyday next year in middle school (time flies). Funny story, he just returned from his 3-day 5th grade field trip to the coast and wore the same clothes the whole time! Well, he did change his socks… such-a-boy! Just wanted to let you know I love your belts and the tutorial… thinking maybe I can make bigger ones for my son. And I subbed to your blog so I won’t miss any other wonderful things!

  8. ~Heather says:

    When my sons were in utero my cat used to sleep next to my belly and when she purred my little guys would move around in response to her deep, lulling sounds!
    I think the plaid belt would be great for any season, on winter jeans or summer shorts! ~H

  9. Elizabeth says:

    We don’t have a whole lots of stories yet since Jude is only 8 months, but he does love to try to eat the cat, which is fairly humorous! Love the belts and plan on making some soon!

    Both belts are super cute!

  10. Elizabeth says:

    And I’ve added your belt tutorial to my free sewing patterns page on my blog!

  11. Nik says:

    The first time we left my son (who is now 3) with a babysitter he gave her quite a surprise. They were eating dinner and he got down from the table and went into his room. He returned naked as a jaybird! Smirking to no end and prancing around!! The startled babysitter kept her composure, which she later revealed it was very hard for her! Then preceded to tell him, “nude little boys don’t get ice cream.” So he ran back into his room just as fast as he came out and got his clothes back on! We forgot to inform the babysitter of his “o’ natural” personality!
    My son is built like a beanstalk and since his pants never stay up-he just takes them off!

  12. Cristi says:

    A few weeks ago, my 6 month old son discovered the low range in his voice. For several days, pretty much his only form of communication with us was a wide open mouth super low growl. It was especially funny when he did it during church. Oops!

  13. jackie says:

    when my oldest sone was 2 i looked at his hair and said ” ezra you need a haircut you have a rat tail” he looked at me with a confused expression and said ” mom me don’t have a rat tail, me have a wienie!” in front of the whole family reunion too! it was the funniest thing i have heard to date…

  14. Corinne says:

    There are too many funny stories to narrow it down, but I REALLY just need one of those belts. I have 2 boys 4 & 2 who only weigh 2 lbs different. My poor 4 year old is so stinkin’ skinny he needs the waist size of 18 month pants, but the length of 3T, and I can’t find any belts small enough for him. (I’d love to make one, but I’m a total craft/sewing moron.) Needless to say we have a loosing the pants incident at least once or twice a day. Please, please, please, I wanna win!
    PS. I subscribed to your blog. I love that you do stuff for boys!

  15. Laura Wilson says:

    I’d love the plaid belt! My funny story involves my brother and I. We wanted to make breakfast in bed for my parents when we were little, but all we knew how to make was Kool-aid. My brother said he did, anyway. We used salt instead of sugar and spilled half of it all over the kitchen floor, so my parents got a big gross glass of salt water and a mess in the kitchen.

  16. annielaurie says:

    finally finally finally! i cannot wait to make these for my boys! i have been in need of some good belts and nothing at the store ever works, specially when you have boys that all the sudden have to go RIGHT then. the mad dash to the bathroom, and having to fumble with belt w/a buckle? forget it! another pair of jeans and underwear later….great tutorial!! thanks annielaurie

  17. Nikki says:

    My son does a lot of crazy, funny things, and some things that aren’t so funny. One time his sister was pushing him around the house in his gigantic dumptruck and without thinking pushed him right down the stairs. He went flying down a full flight of stairs in the back of his metal dumptruck and…survived without a scratch or bruise. It was a complete miracle. He definitely has angels looking out for him.

  18. Holly U says:

    My Zach is 2.5 and amazes us every day…usually in a good way! Hearing him sing right now is a riot, since he only knows a few words of any song, and since he sings with such enthusiasm.

    Love the wood grain belt. Too cute!

  19. Emily May says:

    What a darling belt! I love it! My little boy would love it too- his pants fall down a lot!
    My funny story is about my nephew. He was watching Grandma put on her makeup in the morning, and he asked, “Grandma, why are you putting that on your face?” She said, “I put this on so I look younger.” He watched for another second and said, “I don’t think it’s working.”

  20. Emily May says:

    I linked to this wonderful giveaway on my blog!

  21. Vanessa says:

    I love these and have to get one/make one soon because my son’s current belt is too small for him know. He would LOVE one of these.

  22. Margie says:

    I should probably tell you about my son, but my brother takes the cake. When he was little, say about 4, he sawed, yes sawed, the leg off a coffee table. Not sure where the grownups were!

  23. erin says:

    love the plaid!

    my brother once rode his bike down the steepest hill in our neighborhood, without using his brakes. this, of course, was on my recommendation as his older sister.

    he ended up breaking his arm. poor kid.

  24. erin says:

    following you!

  25. Sophia C says:

    One day my 2 year old son was eating something he dubbed tasty. I said to him “Do you know what else is Tasty? Your baby sister.” and then pretended to eat her belly. He looked at me very seriously and said “Mommy, people are yucky, that is why we do not eat people.” He is always saying thing that make me smile but that very logical conclusion that he came to always makes me grin. He would look so cute in the plaid belt, he loves accessorizing. oh, & I definately subscribed to the blog I look forward to reading many more of your creative ideas.