thank you!

January 23rd, 2008

I’ve finally come out of my extended couch hibernation and started sewing last night.   Sewing things for the shop to boot!  You can see pieces of a couple different diggers above.  I was really excited about making a patchwork digger, but it has proved to be a royal pain in the ass, so it may stay in pieces for a while.  Thank you for all your motivating comments on the last post!  It really did the trick (the cupcakes my husband brought home didn’t hurt either). And thank you for all your comments in general.  It amazes me that people take time out of their busy day just to say nice things about what I have made.  You have made me work harder and make nicer things than I thought I could–hell I probably would still be on the couch if it wasn’t for you.  I used to only get one or two comments and would reply to each, but now that more people are reading this little blog it’s a bit too much.  So from now on I’ll try to answer all your questions in the comment section, okay?  If you leave your blog address, I’ll be sure to visit, because I can’t get over how huge and varied this crafty community is!  Okay that’s enough, I always hated reading these kind of posts before I had a blog (but I didn’t know how grateful I would be because of a few kind words).  So THANK YOU! now tell me what you’re working on.

Posted in plush.

9 Responses to thank you!

  1. Anina says:

    I’m so happy that you’re back to sewing. I have quite a few new projects going myself – too many to mention actually.
    Love the diggers.

  2. seemownay says:

    Yep, it is really hard to not let bloglife take over reality. I am glad that you finally got a go on sewing again. Same here – I am going to sit in front of my machine tonight. No excuses! Good luck.

  3. mom says:

    The pincushion (which I thought was my old one) is the spittin’image of the one you grew up with. It will rally you in times of need. Glad you’re back at it.

  4. Katherine says:

    Love the photo of your works in progress. Makes me even more curious to see your finished projects…

    What do I have in the works? Far more than I should admit to (grin). Presently, my main focus is on a quilt I’m making from a collection of plaid shirts.

  5. Katy says:

    Keep on sewing!!! Those diggers will be amazing, be sure to keep us updated.
    I’ve been trying out some dolls for my etsy shop, my head goes to fast for my fingers though and I really need to stop writing down ideas and just concentrate on what I’m doing today.

  6. Beava says:

    wow, amazing. Can I pre- order one?

  7. dorie says:

    I love your plush diggers. What a cool idea!

  8. […] January 23, 2008 I moved to a new site and you can now find this post at […]

  9. […] started this digger almost a year ago (it’s nice to have a record of the things you make, but it’s not so nice to see just […]