zakka style

February 21st, 2012

zakka style

Rashida (of I heart Linen fame) contacted me a long while back to see if I would contribute to her new book, Zakka Style. Of course I said yes! I remade this project, so I could fix the pattern and change the colors a bit. I never did get around to making and selling these pocket pillowcases, but yay for my laziness because now you can make them!

little pocket pillowcase project

The pattern really is quite easy and makes for a lovely gift. The diamonds are fiddly, I won’t lie, but you could skip them and sew any sort of patchwork your heart desires.  The whole book is filled with simple and clever little things to make. And they are designed by some of my favorite people: Holly, Amanda, Leslie, and a good deal more.

continuous towel with patchwork edging

I actually made two projects for the book, but the second one didn’t make the cut. Remember this towel I made? Well, I reworked that project as well: a little bigger, nicer patchwork, and in linen. This continuous towel doesn’t fit in my bathroom and though it does look kind of nice in my kitchen, I think it would look better in yours.

zakka style giveaway

That’s right, a little giveaway for this Tuesday: Zakka Style and a zakka stylish linen towel. To enter yourselves in this giveaway, I would like it if you’d answer a question for me. How do you read blogs? Do you use google reader, links from facebook, twitter, flickr, pinterest, old fashioned bookmarks, something else entirely? I want elsie marley to be easily accessible to all of you, which is easier if I know how you are all accessing it :)

psst: if the answer is facebook, well wouldn’t you know elsie marley’s got a facebook page.

Ok so leave your answer before Thursday Feb. 23 at 9am and I’ll let the robots do the picking. This giveaway is open to all my lovely readers, no matter where you live. Good luck!

 The giveaway is closed! 

Posted in sewing.

205 Responses to zakka style

  1. Christina says:

    I use google reader all the time. Thanks for the give-away!

  2. Vanessa says:

    I use bookmarks, and then when my son is having his afternoon nap, I take a break from it all and read the blogs.

  3. Melissa says:

    I read in google reader. :)

  4. fern says:

    I read blogs by having the rss feeds in my bookmarks toolbar. then i just click on each to see if a new post is there! :-) Love the pocket pillowcase idea! And the towel is beautiful.

  5. Amanda says:

    I’m a Google Reader all the way! Such a lovely towel, too!

  6. Ida says:

    I read blog updates through my Google reader.
    Love the book and thank so much for the giveaway!!

  7. Thanks for the lovely giveaway! Love the looks of the new book.

  8. Amanda says:

    I use bookmarks, and rss feeds for my favorites. Looks like a sweet book, though I love the towel and it’s too bad it didn’t make it in!

  9. Jessica says:

    I love this book – I am hogging my library’s copy so would love to have my own.
    I use google reader for blog reading – easy peasy.
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  10. Katy Rose says:

    I use my google reader to catch up on all of my favorite blogs! Yours included!

  11. jennifer says:

    I use plain old bookmarks.. The book sounds like it’s full of fun projects! I remember when you posted about that towel, I ran and made one for the kids’ bathroom right after I read it!

  12. Rachel says:

    I mostly use Google Reader for blogs, but I have been finding a lot of interesting things on Pinterest lately too. What an interesting looking book!

  13. brooke scott says:

    this book looks amazing!

  14. Jamsby says:

    Looks lovely!

    I read blogs on my iPad using an app called Blogshelf!

  15. Jo Batey says:

    I save the sites as bookmarks in my favourites folder. Facebook, twitter etc, they confuse me!

  16. Rachelle says:

    I always use google reader; it’s nice and easy and quick to read too.

  17. Cate says:

    oh no, another book I ‘must have’. It must be so exciting to see your work in print, congratulations! I read blogs via google reader, but I have the next button in my bookmark bar so I just click on that and it takes me directly to the next blog entry in the line, on the actual blog page (so I’m not actually viewing it in reader). it’s a pretty cool set up, I think.

  18. Hueisei says:

    I use google reader all the time.
    Thanks for the lovely giveaway…

  19. Cherie says:

    I use Bloglovin. It shows me all the new posts from the blogs I’m subscribed to and then I have it set up so that when I click on the post it takes me over to the blog. I prefer reading it on the original blog rather than the reader. That book looks fantastic!! Congrats!

  20. Tara says:

    I use my google reader to keep up with my favorite blogs.

  21. Megan says:

    I use Google Reader, but if my blogs are also on FB I can often be found checking out there first.

  22. Ruth says:

    I generally use Google reader, but often pop over to the main blog to admire fun headers and the like

  23. Sally says:

    I use google reader. Just started reading yours. lovely.

  24. missfee says:

    Thanks for the giveaway – I use google reader to read your gorgeous blog


  25. gretchen says:

    oooohhh–would love this. i read blogs through old fashioned bookmarks, and through series (eg. kids clothing week). that’s how i happened upon your blog. thanks for sharing!