pillowcase pjs

July 25th, 2011

My kids wore their winter pajamas most of the chilly spring, but then it got hot all of a sudden (then disgustingly hot) so I had to whip up some summer pajamas super fast.

pink pillowcase pants

So I made one from a pink stripey pillowcase…

yellow pillowcase pants

and one from a yellow stripey pillowcase. There is a stripey green one in a thrift store somewhere waiting for me, I know it. So no trifecta of cuteness.  But the baby did get some little man pjs from an old sheet.

little man pajama pants

For a while there my children were barely clothed during the day, much less at night, so the pajamas were forgotten. But now that the heat has stopped being so punishing (at least for the moment) the pillowcase pjs are back in rotation.  Speaking of summer, Mary Frances has a lovely post about midsummer, go see…

Posted in sewing clothes.

32 Responses to pillowcase pjs

  1. Carla says:

    Super cute! I have a blue striped pillowcase just waiting to become pjs.

  2. gretchen says:

    awesome! i’ve been making loads of twirly skirts from pillowcases, but really love the pants. and i’ve seen green ones out there–if i see one, i’ll send it your way!

  3. jess says:

    love them! i made a tunic out of sheets that are really similar to the orange stripey pillow case. i’ve been working on PJ pants for my boys lately, these look like good inspiration.

  4. kristin says:

    man i wish i was small enough to fit in pillowcase pj’s! these are FABulous!

  5. You sure are one nifty lady, they look great!

  6. Ellen says:

    Very cute! Wish I had some a. cute pillowcases and b. small enough children!

  7. […] on the sewing table. Just today I found two other stunning examples on the interwebs. Love these pillowcase pajama pants and can’t wait to find a few pillowcases that are just […]

  8. Jo says:

    These look great – I especially like the little edge detail between the fabrics.

  9. louise says:

    OMG! What a great idea!!! And for some reason old sheets and pillowcases are always soooo soft! Love these.

  10. DANA says:

    Brilliant Meg! Love them!

  11. Tasha says:

    I have your green sheet! Seriously. :)

    • meg says:

      but do you have the pillowcase…:)

      • Tomissa says:

        My family had a set of blue sheets…so they are out there, somewhere, as well!

        I have the sheet that matches the orange ones. I sleep with it in the summertime since it is so cool.

  12. juniper says:

    So stinken cute!!!!!

  13. erin says:

    what a great idea!

  14. Holly u says:

    My son’s insisted on wearing PJs thru this whole heat wave. Never crossed my mind to make him really light ones! Duh! Thanks for the idea.

  15. jackie says:

    Love this idea! Cool summer pjs for those hot nights for our little guy that “HAS” to have long bottoms … something to do with monster protection, I suspect.
    ; )
    Thanks for sharing such a wonderful idea!

  16. Becky says:

    Cute, cute, cute!!!
    I have those pillowcases in yellow and purple. And I’d love to repurpose them, but we don’t have any legs that short anymore. Sigh. Maybe a skirt will do….

  17. danielle says:

    ive got your pillowcase! i was going to make a tank top out of it,.but then my 6 month old son has left me with much more tummy than i anticipated :) i would love to send it to you(i have 2!)..please send me your address!! I cant wait for him to be big enough for these pants, such a cute idea!

  18. Holly Keller says:

    I bought a bunch of fabric this spring with the intention of making several pairs of summer jammie pants ALL FOR ME. (lovelovelove jammies) But, alas, another unfinished project…like making my first quilt, I am daunted by making my first pieces of clothing…

    • meg says:

      Seriously Holly, just make beeper some shorts already. It’s so flippin easy, you’ll wonder why you buy any at all.

  19. Holly Keller says:

    Oh, and your kids jammies from pillow cases? Brilliance, yet again.

  20. […] very soft feeling they have? I do! Which is why I so want to make these pillowcase pj’s by Elsie Marley, not only for my son, but also for […]

  21. Beth says:

    The green pillowcase is in my to-do-list pile waiting to be made into p.j. pants for my son! So funny that you already did the same thing!

  22. Robin says:

    Brilliant and adorable! I love these and want to make some fro my kidlets

  23. Sara R. says:

    That stripey green one came home with me a few months ago! And now I know what to make with it. :) Selfish, I know. But my son is in LOVE with it…can’t give it up.

  24. Freekin love these –
    I sooo… remember that gold stripey sheet pattern from my childhood.
    Something about the quality of those old cottons, they lasted forever!