
December 3rd, 2008

It’s giveaway day (thanks to sewmamasew) and I’m giving away this little people bag. It’s a drawstring bag made of muslin with vintage inspired little people appliqued on the front.  Tell a joke, tell me what you ate for breakfast, ramble on and on, whatever, just leave a comment if you’d like to win the bag. There are a ton of blogs giving away all kinds of stuff today, so go forth into the internet and win all your christmas presents.

*edited to add: the drawing will end at 8am central time tomorrow december 4th.


Posted in sewing.

269 Responses to giveaway

  1. Suzette says:

    The bag is just great and I have to say that I am so glad to have found your blog. I will be visiting again!

  2. kym says:

    Cute bag! I’ve recently been reminded of a Kenner Treehouse toy that was around in my kiddie days, kind of like little people. I think it was my cousin that had one and I remember always wanting one for myself! Was that ramble enough??

  3. Kate says:

    Ze bag is fantasteek! Um, for breakfast this morning, I had a bowl of pineapple chunks and two huge cups of coffee, courtesy staying up most of the night with the baby. Oh erg.

  4. Jennifer says:

    little people bag for all of the little people my daughters have? That would be very fitting!

  5. Julia says:

    cute, cute , cute!!! I’d like to own this bag!

  6. Anne Marie says:

    Woaw 141 comments! don´t stand a chance to win tht bag, but I loved reding your post anyway :-) Hugs from Norway

  7. trashalou says:

    My (then 5 yo) boy came home from school with this gag a few years back and it my BEST ever –

    ‘knock, knock’
    ‘who’s there?’
    ‘interrupting duck’
    ‘interrupting du…’

    While I am not convinced it works in the written form it STILL creases me up!

  8. Delia Jones says:

    Today I tried to wet felt some balls with my 2 & 4 yo gals. Sadly they didn’t turn out and now I have to clean up and set the table for dinner. I am going to attempt it later tonight.

  9. saganaga says:

    Please enter me! Thanks!!!

  10. Deece says:

    Very cute! I want to do more appliqué work, myself. I’m giving away bags on my blog too.

    Hmm, let’s see…I had eggs and toast before I left for work this morning. And shortly after I arrived at work I started eating Hershey’s kisses and drinking my iced coffee.

  11. Sara D. says:

    Did you hear about the fire at the circus?
    It was in tents!

    Get it? Get it?

  12. nicole says:

    thanks for the giveaway!!!

  13. katelin says:

    thants so nice of yo!!! i love your blog! the posts are cute!!!

  14. MegVS says:

    What a cute little bag! I have a crying baby on my leg right now…

  15. Marissa says:

    cute bag, I had some of those little people as a kid, I miss them sometimes

  16. Rhiannon says:

    This is adorable and I know just what I’d use it for. I do therapy with Autistic kids and this would be perfect for carrying around the various toys I use.

  17. adrienne says:

    Oh, that’s so cute! Thanks for sharing :)

  18. sfer says:

    Are you sure it’s only 3rd of December?
    It smells like Christmas in sewyblogland!!!

    Thanks for participating in the giveaway, and please, count me in!!


  19. janna says:

    Love it!!!!!!! Pass it this please! Maybe it would motivate my babes to pick up their toys.

  20. Melody says:

    Count me in by all means!

  21. Crystal says:

    I’ll love this for my sister…

  22. Jess says:

    Q: Why did the dinosaur cross the road?

    A: Because chickens weren’t invented yet!


  23. sarah says:

    what a great home for our little people!

  24. Darci says:

    I ate apple juice for breakfast as I have braces and they were just tightened and it kills to eat anything. Why did I want braces in my late 20’s I am asking myself, oh well.