carrot cake cookies

May 4th, 2009

We had a really lovely weekend. I pretended to know what I was doing in the garden while my kids made mud pies and my husband mowed the lawn. It doesn’t get more suburban than that. And it was awesome. We ate every meal outside, including these ridiculously awesome carrot cake cookies. The recipe says they make 18, but I only got a dozen, so double it because they are super delicious: not too sweet, but not too healthy either and small enough to eat too many without realizing it. And just the cure for when all your decorating decisions get totally panned (in the comments) on a popular website–who knew rug placement was such a hot button issue?

Posted in food/recipes.

36 Responses to carrot cake cookies

  1. jess says:

    I liked both versions. I don’t know why people would be so vehement in their opinions about your rug.

  2. Beth says:

    Those cookies look awesome!

  3. But when you read the tone of some of their comments, do they really sound as if they are people that you would want to invite around to your house anyway?

    Those cookies look delicious.

  4. Jo says:

    I think your new rug looks great! You’re the one who knows how your rug/rug placement works and feels when you’re actually in the room. Plus, AT didn’t say anything about your reasons for replacing the rug.

  5. DeerDominique says:

    Wow..I read Apt. Therapy all the time, and never realized they just kind of pluck pictures and hash it our. So many of those comments were nonsensical if they were to have read your post about the reason for change in the first place.
    I think both of your rug choices are great, I also think the placement is intriguing and opened my mind to the idea of anchoring rugs in a whole new way.

  6. Jess says:

    I just made carrot cake sandwich cookies last week, but I used the other recipe on the Martha Stewart site (there’s two with slightly different proportions). I think your rugs look nice and cheery!

  7. Lils says:

    cluck cluck, the hens are out! I love both versions of the dining room and the yellow is a perfect summer look. I think that A.T. folks are pissy because THEY spent too much on their rug! Instead of taking a stroll down budget lane.

  8. Dara says:

    Those look delicous…I seriously think I’m drooling a little right now!

  9. dana says:

    oh MAN, those look like my kind of cookies. Perfect to put the frosting in the middle.

  10. marielle says:

    Meh, these days there’s a trend of any jane, jill and june thinking they can recreate a stylist job and are entitled to an opinion on everyone else’s decor.

    Mine home decor is post-three-children-tear-it-up modern. Thanks for the lovely recipe, they look delicious.

  11. Ellen says:

    Totally disturbing to find your living room on LA Apartment Therapy without even knowing it! That’s wild.

    And really, I love the placement of the rugs and was so very jealous when I saw them in the pictures.

  12. Beth says:

    That sucks– I liked the switcharoo for summer. In my experience AT gets a huge amount of their content way… Granted, a massive number of sites get content that way now– I suppose that’s why we should speak up about it when it happens. They have a lot of nerve, using your images to set you up for that. They owe you an apology.

    A huge congrats on the baby, by the way! Woo hoo!

  13. Bek says:

    I love weekends like that too. Just being at home with the family and pottering about. Cookies look great, and I love the rugs too. Wherever you put them.

  14. Goodness me! I never would have thought a simple rug could cause such drama!
    I especially love the one who said she ‘couldn’t live with that seam’. Jeepers! I wonder if she’d be willing to pay $1000 just to have a rug without a ‘horrifying’ seam down the middle?

    Anyways – I love the new rug, and the old rug, and all the more power to you for being thrifty and creative and asymmetrical…..

    Leah xxx

  15. Jodie says:

    I just can’t believe they didn’t ask first….

  16. Ali says:

    Those people are vicious! Makes you glad for our more friendly community over here. Can’t believe they didn’t ask you ‘Elsie’!

    But I think those cookies could take away every slight.

  17. Shirley says:

    I’ll take a nice, inviting and livable space over a too-perfect-but-pretty photo on design blogs any day!

    I think you place looks lovely, but the most important thing is that it fits YOUR lifestyle…


  18. mama-pan says:

    hiya Meg–those AT comments cracked me up, I have to say. Design folk can be so pretentious. How DARE you use different angles for those shots, anyhow? I, for one, love both looks–and since we’ve been rugless in our dining room for ages now (huge decorating fear of committment here), I think I’ll head up to my local IKEA and pay homage to one or the other of your ideas, you style maven, you.

  19. Char says:

    Hey…just found you whilst browsing around Etsy …as you do…
    Read the appalling comments(some lovely) on AT…what are people thinking? The title wasn’t “what do you Hate about these photos?”
    I feel for you… and thought the rug placement fabulouse, such a great idea when you have kids…one reason we don’t have rugs is because I just couldn’t bare to clean the carpet 24/7…but your style makes sense.
    I’m going to add you to my blog…it’s wonderful to have stumbled upon Elsie Marley.
    Take care…as you can see by the above…you are greatly loved!

  20. Char says:

    Oh, and those cookies look scrumptious!

  21. karen says:

    The cookies look lovely, and so does your dining room. The commenters on that website are ALWAYS looking to criticize (very different from craft blog people). I’m surprised they didn’t even notify you in advance. Yikes.

  22. Melanie O says:

    1 – love the yellow & white stripes
    2 – hate beige rugs, hate sisal, or whatever (I have young-uns, it’s scratchy & uncomfortable & I think it looks dirty so easily)
    3 – AT knows they have snarky commenters, they should ask if you want to subject yourself to them. Unlike most craft blogs, they don’t adhere to the “let’s be nice” model of commenting.
    4 – I’d comment directly on AT if it didn’t crash my computer every time I load the site!
    5 – if people who love beige hate your rug, you’ve scored points in my book!

  23. Michelle says:

    thanks for the rug inspiration! and don’t sweat the cattiness in the AT comments… it gets kinda mean there sometimes.

    i agree with the other commenters here – surprising that they used your images without your permission, and even more surprising that they made it sound like they had actually spoken with you about the change.

  24. jenny says:

    We have 2 green wool rugs from Ikea also, and I taped them together, too! We bought one and when we got home, realized it was too small for our living room, so went back and bought another then taped them together. Thrifty people make do without breaking the bank! We are potty training the dog (almost there!) so it got rolled up and put away until no more accidents occur. Who cares about the seam? You did a pretty good job matching them up. Oh and AT should have at least asked for permission to use your photos!

  25. Rach says:

    Very naughty that they didn’t ask you first if they could use your photos. Tsk tsk.

    And what crazy comments! I recall following a link from Amy (Angry Chicken) to a series of comments about the ‘Keep Calm and Carry on Poster.’ It was hilarious. People, via their comments on these design blogs, get so passionate and sometimes quite disturbed about the colour of a curtain or the placement of a chair in a house that is not even theirs. If only people had such passion and energy about things that really matter. Like civil war and famine and poverty…