Posts Tagged ‘digger’

I started this digger almost a year ago (it’s nice to have a record of the things you make, but it’s not so nice to see just how long you can procrastinate) and it should be in the shop later today. It’s funny how my tastes have changed in a year. I wanted to rip up all the patchwork and start again, but then it would have sat around another year I’m sure. A lot of the scraps came from my first big sewing project (and my first big post). I think it’s time I cleaned out my scrap box and made a quilt. Or an army of patchwork diggers.
*My site was a little messed up this past week–if you couldn’t leave a comment or find a post I’m sorry. My genius of a husband fixed it all, so comment away.
Posted November 18th, 2008 in plush. Tagged: boy, digger, etsy, gift, girl, handmade, patchwork, plush, sewing, softie, truck.

a quick note to tell you there are new diggers and a couple bears are for sale in my shoppe. The sale went well, thanks for asking. It’s hard to sell handmade things right next to a secondhand sale, but I made more than I spent (at the sale) so we’ll just call that a success. And it was such a treat to see how people react to my stuff, so I’m sure I’ll do it again. There will be pillowcase dresses and kiddy messenger bags and toy bags in the shop as soon as I get my shit together, which I’m guessing will be tuesday. see you then.
Posted March 30th, 2008 in plush. Tagged: digger, etsy, floral, flowers, plush, polka dots, shop.

I’ve finally come out of my extended couch hibernation and started sewing last night. Sewing things for the shop to boot! You can see pieces of a couple different
diggers above. I was really excited about making a patchwork digger, but it has proved to be a royal pain in the ass, so it may stay in pieces for a while. Thank you for all your motivating comments on the last post! It really did the trick (the cupcakes my husband brought home didn’t hurt either). And thank you for all your comments in general. It amazes me that people take time out of their busy day just to say nice things about what I have made. You have made me work harder and make nicer things than I thought I could–hell I probably would still be on the couch if it wasn’t for you. I used to only get one or two comments and would reply to each, but now that more people are reading this little blog it’s a bit too much. So from now on I’ll try to answer all your questions in the comment section, okay? If you leave your blog address, I’ll be sure to visit, because I can’t get over how huge and varied this crafty community is! Okay that’s enough, I always hated reading these kind of posts before I had a blog (but I didn’t know how grateful I would be because of a few kind words). So THANK YOU! now tell me what you’re working on.
Posted January 23rd, 2008 in plush. Tagged: digger, patchwork, plush, thank you, wip.

This isn’t quite a year in review, seeing as I’ve only had this blog since September, but the pictures are all toys I designed and made since then. Really it’s more of a gratuitous pat on the back for finally getting off my ass and making the things I think up. I’m horrible when it comes to doing new things, especially when they are creative endeavors. The teenager in me is scared of what people will think and of failing miserably and the grown woman in me doesn’t understand where the hell the impulse to make soft toys came from anyway (there must be a Frosted Flakes joke in there somewhere).
I have a bunch of things I want to do for my kids, my husband, my house, and even my poor dogs this new year, but I would like to open up an etsy shop for me. We’ll see. I have to make a few more things first (and I have to figure out packaging, branding, shipping, blurb writing). I have a whole year to cross that one thing off my list.
Posted January 1st, 2008 in plush. Tagged: chicken, digger, dolls, elephant, plush, sewing.

After two days of two children whining non stop, I needed to reward myself with a little project. I started this digger months ago, but it sat in parts without it’s digger since then. So last night I watched some trashy tv (is there anything but?) and stuffed and stitched. I stopped working on it because I wasn’t happy with the design and because I wasn’t sure the digger part would actually come out. But it did. I never want to start working on the hardest part of whatever I’m making, but of course it always ends up being the most satisfying. I made some covered buttons for the button joints (do buttons with shanks even work for button joints?) but I liked the way it looked without them, so they went in the cab. There has been construction in our neighborhood, well, since my daughter was born and she points out all the diggers to me everyday. I thought it would be nice to make a digger for her that was a little on the girlie side. So there you have a slightly tufted, movable, flowery, digger. I’ve got another already cut out, with a slightly different pattern and I thought a patchwork digger would be cool. So more to come, hopefully.I think I’ll enter this into the Holiday Softies Central Awards (right under the wire) because I think it would be a great toy to find under the tree (if you are a 2 year old girl obsessed with diggers, that is). Here are a bunch of other entries that I think are fantastic. Go look!
Posted October 31st, 2007 in plush. Tagged: digger, handmade, plush, sewing, truck.