two shorts

September 9th, 2010

There are a bunch of projects that for some reason I never got around to posting this summer–probably because I was lying around in a pool of my own sweat, but now ahhhh fall is here and I feel human again.  And now my camera is broken, so all you are going to get for a while are whatever old projects I took pictures of. Sorry.

These shorts were a sucessful project all around: they looked like I imagined and my daughter loved them. I took a simple shorts pattern and added a long narrow triangle on the side (this is where my camera would come in handy), sewed a facing onto the triangles–a pink flower print that my daughter picked out–and then sewed the shorts up. They tie on both sides and the little pink flowers stick out just enough to be cute, but not cutesy. And hey, I made that shirt too. I made an adult size shirt I got at the dig n save into a kid size one: I took it in on the sides, reattached the (shortened) sleeves and hemmed the neckline.  I need to do this more often I think.

These shorts came from my well worn copy of Everyday Bottoms.  They are just plain old shorts, except they have a million details that made them take forever to finish:  pockets in the front, pockets in the back, flat felled seams, belt loops, double elastic casing, and then I had to go and use stripes so I had to (almost) match them.

But they held up all summer and will fit next year too. I’m crap at finishing garments properly; at some point I loose interest making it and just want the sewing to be over already, so I’m extra happy about these shorts. Everything is done on these shorts and stitched twice even.

These projects (and a few others I never took pictures of) are the products of leftover motivation from the kids clothes week challenge in the spring. It put me in the mindset that I didn’t need to buy any clothes for my kids because I could just make some silly.  There are almost a hundred of you signed up for the fall challenge already! Yee haw! Which is great because all that leftover motivation has gone stale and I need some of the fresh stuff.

p.s. some of you are having problems with the kcwc buttons and I really want to help, but I don’t know how.  If there are any of you more html savvy than I am could you head over to the comments and help them out. thanks!

Posted in sewing clothes.

15 Responses to two shorts

  1. AJ says:

    I love them! The side ties are perfect!

  2. Kimberly says:

    Both of these “bottoms” are super cute and I’m so impressed that the shirt was refashioned into a new size. It looks flawless! Thanks again for hosting the challenge; I’ve already started mapping out my projects. Yee haw indeed!

  3. erin says:

    both adorable!

  4. Baye says:

    These are great! You are so right about when the camera would come in handy. I am definitely spatially challenged. I’m having a little trouble envisioning the how-to of the triangles for the side ties. I do hope you’ll repost these when the camera has recovered. I’d love to know how to do that.

  5. Jacqui says:

    Love the shorts! I too was wondering if you’d post a picture of the triangles because the ties are just perfect but I’m not sure which part of the triangle is sewn onto the shorts – the top pointy end?

  6. DANA says:

    Love the tie shorts Meg. cool idea. And the radiator shot makes them even better.

  7. Wendy says:

    love these! My favorites would be the ones with the ties. I want to make some like that for my dd. She would love them!

  8. anna says:

    very cool shorts, I so hear ya on kind of giving up and wanting the project to be over already. I can’t stand hems, probably why I usually do a crappy job on that.

  9. melissa says:

    Alrighty, so the shorts are freakin’ fantastic, but I am new to this game and need a tutorial on them. Please? Pretty, pretty please??? (When your camera is fixed, of course.) They are gorgeous.

    Am thinking seriously about the kid sewing challenge–I could go with Christmas jamas….hmmmmm….this will take some consideration, but I’m glad I showed up in time to participate this time! :)

  10. OMG, those side tie shorts are precious! I want a pair. You’ll HAVE to do a tutorial at some point. Pretty please (with a cherry on top)?

    Ha! I just realized I typed almost the same thing as Melissa. Now you REALLY have to do a tutorial!

  11. Beth D. says:

    “I’m crap at finishing garments properly; at some point I loose interest making it and just want the sewing to be over already, so I’m extra happy about these shorts.”

    I am so excited that you said this! My family thinks I can sew anything. My problem is exactly what you said, though. I loose interest if there are too many details and I start to cut corners with the pattern. I always think there could be a faster way to the end result.

    Thanks for your honestly! So looking forward to KCWC!

  12. Wendy says:

    The shorts are adorable!

    And I’m so sorry to hear about your camera. I go nuts when my cameras break and often my head starts spinning out of control and I finally lose it and order a much more expensive camera in a fit of frustration.

  13. Jessie says:

    Love the shorts, especially the bows. Almost makes me wish it wasn’t getting cold now… but I’m ready for not so much heat!

    When I tried to use the button, it was broken, so I asked my (programmer) husband to look at it. He realized there were both single and double quotes in the image link. He removed the single quotes, but left the double. Fixed it right up. I guess it was trying to put the single quotes in the link, which shouldn’t have been there.

    Hope that helps. :)

  14. Nancy says:

    I love the shorts and top. The bows are killing me.

  15. Desiree says:

    Is there anyway you could send me the isbn for this book?? I would love to find it, but am having trouble doing so :)