kcwc spring 2011: day five

May 13th, 2011

the kcwc sewing tornado

This is to let you know it’s not all wine and roses and finished garments in these parts. The photo is from a couple days ago, but I am well on my way to recreating it today. And tomorrow and the next day. Kids clothes week is a full week, not a work week, don’t ya know.   If you can take more than an hour on the weekend, fantastic, if you can only just squeeze out an hour each day that’s fine too. But you’ve got lots of hemming to do, I bet, so plan accordingly! Nothing like finding a beautiful pair of homemade pants jammed back behind stacks of fabric because you never got to hemming them–not like I would ever do that :)

1. playdate dress 2. dancing pants 3. new lined pants 4. reedreeder

You guys are a lot less lazy than me when it comes to actually finishing the garment, I mean look at these lovely pieces! Those pants in the bottom corner make me want to go to the thrift store and pick up some grandpa pants to size down for my son. What about you? Do you sew something start to finish or in fits and starts? Have you completed one garment this week or there a bunch lying around waiting to be finished?

sewing children wings

One last bit of goodness from the kcwc flickr pool. Jean made these beautiful wings for her daughter, based on these gorgeous pictures and this tutorial. I love how her daughter is practically in flight! Jean said she couldn’t pass up the opportunity to give her children wings. You can read all about it in her post about making them on her blog, The Artful Parent.

18 Responses to kcwc spring 2011: day five

  1. julia says:

    awesome! even though i have no kids and am not sewing for kids these days, all this productivity has made me want to sew some clothes for ME! if i could take one week and find even 30 minutes to sew everyday, i’d have a pretty awesome garment at the end of the week, no?

    and i’m definitely in the start to finish category- it drives me nuts to have a bunch of unfinished projects laying around, plus i’m too into the “instant” gratification to let it sit. :) congrats on another successful kcwc, meg!

  2. Sascha says:

    I love those wings!

  3. Tammy says:

    The wings are amazing. I’m a little here, a little there kind of sewer. I’d love to be able to sew a project straight through to the end. My kids don’t allow me that kind of time. A month ago my son was hospitalized for two + weeks and we were three weeks away from home. I’d just started my daugther’s Easter dress a couple of days before he got sick. Last week was spent getting back in the groove of being home and this week I’ve been able to put in a little time finishing the dress. I have a ton of other summer things I want to sew but I’m making myself finish the dress before starting any more projects.

  4. Kimberly says:

    I want a pair of those wings for myself!

  5. Carla says:

    I’ve been having so much fun participating in kcwc. It is so fun to see what everyone has made. I just wanted to say thank you so much Meg for hosting, you rule!

  6. Alison says:

    even messy…that rug looks amazing! that play date dress is now on my hit list. in a good way!

  7. I’ve seen a couple of pairs of upcycled pants in the flickr pool and various blogs, and it’s seriously giving my the urge to go thrifting! My workroom is also looking pretty hideous at the moment, hoping to find time to tidy it tomorrow in between finishing a hat and some Oliver + S sailboat pants.

  8. Ang says:

    That’s pretty much what my living room looks like at the moment! Those wings are fantastic.

  9. Ah yes…I’m sadly the sew it and forget about it type of sewer. Hemming is just not in my patience budget, I’ve got lots of dresses lying around with unfinished arm and neck holes. Maybe the “my clothes might fall apart unfinished look” should be the new in for kids..LOL:) Then my daughter would have tons of new outfits!

  10. I’m so pleased to see your room looking like that. I really thought it was just me!!! And erm…. there is a pair of un-hemmed trousers winking at me from the door handle of my Cwtch as I write too.

    Those wings have been on my to-do list for some time since I spotted them on the Prudent Baby sire, and I considered making them yesterday but got side-tracked with more…. ‘practical’ things. It’s my birthday tomorrow so I might treat myself to making them…. unless I’m whisked away somewhere, of course!!!

    Happy weekend!

  11. Suzanne says:

    Love the wings…everyone is doing such a great job!

  12. those bird wings totally upstage my pants :-)

  13. Ann says:

    I’ve enjoyed looking at all the creativity of the participants this week so far! I wrote a post about the skirt I made for my daughter as well as the kuspuk I’m working on for my other daughter. Here’s the link:


  14. Wendy says:

    well I am so glad to see your place is as messy as mine! I think I bit off more than I can chew this time. With a fifth grader who sings and plays violin, I have had 3 concerts this week alone and 2 end of year parties to plan…2 little guys in tow at all time and one on the way…I have yet to take a photo of anything and today I have to skip my hour all together. Maybe in the fall all will be right with the world again and I won’t feel like such a loser.. love looking at all the success everyone else is having in the flicker group though.

  15. […] Kids Clothes Week is over, but I hope I will find some more things to make for Sam. He needs a wardrobe as awesome as Gracie’s. […]

  16. Belinda says:

    I am doing way better than I expected! I am sewing up a storm and getting an outfit done a day thus far. I kept all my patterns really simple and things I am already comfortable with. I am thinking about making a goal to sew two brand new patterns a month that puch my skills a bit. I seem to always play it easy and I end up getting tired of sewing the same things over and over that look so “home sewed”. I am inspired by so mnay of the pictures on flicker!!!

  17. Tanya says:

    Amen to Kids Clothes Week being a FULL week. I am enjoying the Sat/Sun portion most of all!

    That first photo above makes you my hero…… :-)

  18. meritxell says:

    My house seems like your room too!!!