house mobile

April 4th, 2008

I just realized I never posted a picture of my finished mobile I made for the swap.  My partner was very patient while I got it done. From top to bottom it goes: big house, cabin, barn, ice house. I explained how I made it here and there are more pictures here and here. I’ve received some lovely comments about it on flickr and a couple requests to sell them, but I’m not sure about that. I couldn’t find my X-acto knife when I was making these, so I used a box cutter–a sharp one, but a box cutter nonetheless–so it took longer than it should have. If I get an itch to make something with paper again, maybe I’ll put one or two up for sale.

A couple of you are concerned because you never received a mobile from the swap and I’m sorry for that. It could have gotten lost in the mail like mine, or maybe your partner’s life just got in the way. I try to think of these swaps as an impetus to make something different and try not to focus too much on what you might get. I’m going to host another mobile swap next year, so hopefully it will go better (I was a little lax when it came to managing it this year–I didn’t think it would be so much work!).

Posted in craft, swaps.

13 Responses to house mobile

  1. michelle says:

    I’m glad it’s going to Kristin. It’s lovely.

  2. Anna says:

    It looks great. K is very lucky. Too bad it got stuck in the mail for so long.

  3. Lori says:

    LOVE the way it turned out – and it reminds me of the saying “big house, little house, back house, barn…”

  4. janet clare says:

    That is beautiful. I talked myself out of doing the swap this time round (because I had a feeling I wouldn’t have time- and I’d have been right) but count me in for next year… no pressure!

  5. robyn says:

    wow i really love this!
    i have to make one for my lounge! i hope you dont mind the copy cat thing..i went and had a look at the little houses link, and i think yours is much nicer.(i hope thats not to rude)love the paper, and where it came from, and why..
    very clever.

  6. Meg, NOT BAD for a first mobile. I’m jealous, in fact! I really love it. I can’t imagine how long it took, though. You’d probably have to sell them for, like, $150 just to recuperate your hours.

  7. Mintyfresh says:

    I’m glad I clicked over to flickr and got a better look–these paper houses are brilliant! Nicely done. How frustrating that the postal service failed you.

  8. Ali says:

    At least the Post Office brought it back to you. A parcel got lost on it’s way to me recently and I am so sad to think of it languishing in a dusty corner somewhere instead of being appreciated.
    As you say, it never happens to the dull and easy to re-send sort.

  9. Holy cow that’s just the bee’s knees!!! Is it okay if I try to make this? Just for my own house? Thanks!

  10. molly says:

    Hi Meg! I was still secretly holding out hope that your beautiful house mobile was coming to my house!! :) yay for kristin!

    I haven’t received a mobile, yet…but I so enjoyed the challenge of trying something new. That alone was worth it!

  11. Betsy says:

    I love this–what a cool idea! I’ll be heading over to flickr to check out more pics.

  12. i really like your mobile, thank goodness it has turned up! that is the downside of organising a swap, feeling responsible when others don’t receive their item. i did have an idea for getting together a fat quarter swap, i have so much fabric sat here doing nothing, i would love to pass some of it on to others that might find it inspiring to work with.

  13. Ani King says:

    I got my mobile last week and it is gorgeous. But i don’t have any contact information to let my partner know I received it.