geometric straw ornament tutorial

December 2nd, 2010

geometric straw ornament

a lovely geometric straw ornament

This is a traditional eastern european ornament and garland. The shape is simple, but a little tricky the first time you make it. After you get the hang of it many three dimensional geometric shapes are possible. I think it makes for a nice modern, but still natural christmas ornament. Like the other tutorial I used straw for, this one can of course can be made with plastic or paper straws, but if you would like to use natural straws, I found mine the at the imagination childhood online shop.

materials for geometric straw ornament


  • natural straw
  • button thread (or other strong thread)
  • yarn needle


First you need to soak the straws and cut them into 2inch pieces. I explained this in detail in my tutorial for a straw and pompom garland.

1.Take a piece of thread about twice the length of your arm and thread the yarn needle–no need to knot it. String four straw pieces almost to the end of your thread. Pull the threads until the straws meet, but don’t pull too hard or you will split the straws. Then tie a square knot (that’s the plain old kind).  You can trim the end, but don’t cut the working thread.

2. Now pull the thread through two straw pieces and

3. secure them at the opposite end.

4. Thread two more pieces and tie at the top (the opposite end you just strung them from)

5. Take your needle back through one of the straws, so it comes out in the middle.

6. String one straw at a time securing it where the next straws meet. Do this four times and tie a knot.

Trim all your threads and decide which way you would like it to hang. Loop your thread at the top point and tie it together. Now hang up that nice looking ornament you just made.

geometric straw garland on a picture

You can keep going and make a double ornament, or keep going and going and make a whole garland! If you do, I would suggest making them one at a time and then tying them all together. Making these with a long piece of thread doesn’t really work: it gets tangled and it’s bothersome.

geometric straw garland on the tree

a christmas present for my lovely readers: a week of handmade ornament tutorials!

I will be accepting advertisers on Elsie Marley starting January 2011. If you would like to reserve a spot please email me and we can discuss the specifics! Thanks!

Posted in christmas, tutorials.

12 Responses to geometric straw ornament tutorial

  1. Wendy says:

    I am loving your gift to us. All of these ornaments are wonderful. I keep telling myself: next year, next year ;) as I am way to swamped with gifts to get to decor this year. Thank you.

  2. Ashley says:

    Oh my gosh, I love this…not to mention the Claire Nereim calendar you have–I have it in my kitchen and it brightens every morning (sorry, off topic). Needless to say, this week has been so fun, learning new ideas for homespun holiday decorations.

  3. allison says:

    Hi! I just popped over from ravelry. You’ve got a beautiful blog here with so many great ideas. I can’t wait to check them all out.

  4. these are great–now to see if I can get my act together and make a few…. thanks so much.

  5. frau fertig says:

    This garland looks so modern and cool. Very good idea!!! Thank you for the tutorial.

  6. kirsten says:

    this is SO cool.
    and i think it’s just the thing to make w my boy. he’d love it, too.
    thank you!

  7. Marissa says:

    Thanks so much! I’m going to use this for my geometric ornament project I have to do for school. Thanks again!

  8. […] | 04. Sweet and Crafts 05. Between the lines | 06. Natural suburbia | 07. The Crafty Crow | 08. Elsie Marie 09. The Crafty Crow | 10. Wild Olive | 11. Lilla-a | 12. The Crafty Crow 13. Cultivated Lives | 14. […]

  9. Nitdia says:

    Great idea!

    Posted here

  10. very very smart idea…

  11. […] were either. I only found out what they were after I made one. Well sort of made one. Remember my geometric straw ornament? A himmeli is made out of those basic shapes, but some are big, some are small and it is strung […]

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