Archive for the ‘misc’ Category

merry christmas

I meant to post here this week, but like many of you I’m sure everything just got super busy.  I hope you have a lovely christmas and a happy new year–though I’m sure to talk to you before then. Merry Christmas everyone!

the tutorial that wasn’t

I’m going to be honest with you: I waited until the last minute to make this ornament and write the tutorial. Well, it seems the last idea I had was not so hot. Things can look so fantastic in your head and then you go to make them and turns out it’s actally crap.  I don’t want to give you a crappy present, so I thought I’d just fess up instead. I had a good run for a while there. I hope you liked the week (-1) of tutorials. I really loved making them.

If you are jonesing to make another christmas ornament there are a few hiden away in my archives that you might like: The one on the left is my tutorial for a half eaten gingerbread man ornament. And the one on the right are tutorials for some woodland ornaments I did for Sew Mama Sew’s Handmade Holidays a few years back. The pinecone is still one of my favorites.

tutorial for a half eaten gingerbread man ornament tutorial for woodland ornaments

This week was so busy I forgot to remind you about the advent calendar coloring pages I did last year. I posted one everyday of advent for you guys to download.  I also put the whole coloring book in PDF form back up on etsy in case you’d like to make some coloring books for gifts (St. Nicholas day is this weekend).

I love you guys and I hope you can forgive me for re-gifting.  We all have crappy ideas now and then, right? I know I’ve had my fair share.

the blogue

Having a blog is sort of ridiculous. It starts off as a little place to show off the lovely things we’ve made for ourselves, but becomes a demanding little blog you have to make things for. I enjoy making things for the pleasure of it, but I also love making things–tutorials and patterns–that I think you will like.  I need to define a bit more what I’d like elsie marley to be and I need your help with that. I’m slowly (and with much help) redesigning this little blog and I’d love to know what you think of it, where you think it should go, and what you would like to see more of here.

If you have a minute I would love it if you could answer a little survey for me. It is 7 questions that will help me know you a teeny bit better (hello lurkers out there) and know where you think the blog should go. It is such a pleasure to have lovely readers like you!  Without you I would be sitting here talking to myself and that would be silly, because you are much more interesting to talk to.

Click here to take survey

The photos are two pictures I put up on my tumblr a little while back and I cannot. stop. looking at them.  Click on the pictures for the source.

rainbow wip

A certain little girl and I are both very excited about making things for the upcoming rainbow birthday party!


Lake Michigan is so lovely–it’s like our little ocean here in the midwest.  It was hard to leave, but here we are back again and my daughter already in kindergarten (and me suddenly feeling like an old lady).  I promised updates on the fall edition of  the kids clothes week challenge and I am working on the buttons (graphic design not being my strong suit it takes a while) and the post, which you will get after labor day I hope–fitting because the summer will be officially over. Bring on Fall.