bunny wip

April 2nd, 2009

This is the project I was telling you about yesterday.  The blue one didn’t turn out quite right obviously–you can’t really see the bunny–but hell if I’m going to unpick the whole thing just to fix it. The others are fine anyway. I wanted to hand embroider all of them to make the bunny really stand out, but after doing one set of ears I ran out of patience and just did it on the machine. I was too nervous to go whole hog and put the feet dogs down and embroider it the real way, so I just did sort of fake machine embroidery and it turned out okay. I haven’t told you what they are, but I’m sure all you smartypants out there can guess.

Posted in craft.

6 Responses to bunny wip

  1. Annika says:

    They look like bunny bowling pins to me.

  2. Casey says:

    I was thinking bowling pins too :) the look really great!

  3. gardenymph says:

    Bowling pins! I love the colors!

  4. skittles!

    they look super cute – what are you going to use as a ball?

    Leah xxx

  5. Ginger says:

    Those are really cute. I wanna play!