Posts Tagged ‘quilting’

one quilt: september and october

I am sadly and just ridiculously behind with the one quilt project.  You think, “it’s one square a month, I can handle that.”  And then it becomes another thing to actively blow off while making other things or trying not to think about while camped in front of the tv. I am very good at procrastinating, but crap at coming up with excuses. Of course once you start you realize: 1. it’s not that hard and 2. it doesn’t take that much time at all and finally 3. why did I blow this off in the first place, I like it.  The pale yellow that Beth sent for October’s block did actually throw me off; it’s just not a color I ever choose. I tried bright purples and oranges with it, but it looked too football, too Minnesota Vikings for my taste.  So I went with blue and gray, which is what I always do and damn if pale yellow doesn’t just look good to me now. I used this for inspiration because it is just so awesome. And even though mine is not as awesome I’m pretty okay with how it turned out.

I knocked out a square for Leah as well, but this one was much less go with the flow and more rip and swear real loud. I saw this pattern on the internets, neglected to read the instructions, and had a hell of a time making everything at least almost match. I need a lot more practice when it comes to quilting and I hope Leah can forgive me, this is as good as it gets right now.  I think the picture makes it look a little worse than it is (or maybe it looks better in my head). The concept is good (though not mine) but triangles are hard.