Posts Tagged ‘couch’

more pillows

three new couch pillows

When I am frustrated with a project, but not frustrated enough to pour a big glass of wine and watch some trashy tv, I make pillows. We have a lot of pillows. Tell me I am not the only one who does this. Do you turn to simple projects to make you feel better when you are failing miserably?

three pillows

The fabric for the new ones are, from right to left: some ikea fabric left over from the crib bumper, plain old random blue fabric (some of which is half way to being shorts for my son), and this awesome drop cloth print by Jay McCarroll.

birds by geninne

One more too, because that Wiksten tank I’m trying to fix is looking pretty Becky HomeEcy. This print is by Geninne who did a lovely line of organic fabric for Cloud 9.  I fell for it when Erin made this top (it seems the wiksten tank is haunting me).

pillow week: one

The first day is always easy; it’s the second day I usually crash and burn. It’s pillow week don’t you know. Seems I need a themed week on the internet to get me to actually make something. Why is that?

Look I even put in a zipper: a nice little metal number that I got god know where. It would look really good if it wasn’t so obviously off center, but that’s what I get for not pinning or even planning.

The fabric is from a friend who very kindly shared a little of her ikea stash.  Maybe I’ll get the ornaments to match.