Posts Tagged ‘bag’

I making bags like crazy over here. All, of course, for the sale that you are sick of hearing about. It’s this weekend and I’m actually getting a little nervous. I’m sure all the self doubt will all go away when someone buys something–if someone buys something! I’m used to selling pastries and breads and chocolates that I’ve made, where if you make a mistake it gets eaten anyway. But someone will own these bags and use them, and if they fall apart their mother will be cursing me. Or maybe they will be used and loved and come out of the washing machine in one piece.
You can see I finally made the toy bags I was talking about and though I wasn’t excited about them while I was making them, or even after I was done, but they are growing on me now. Simple muslin drawstring bags with some applique (and stamped labels? yes? no? still can’t decide anything over here). The other bags in the picture are kiddy messenger bags. I made one for my daughter just like it for christmas. She got so many compliments on it, I thought they would go over well at the sale. There are pictures of more bags over at my flickr site, if you are interested. Have a good day.
Posted March 26th, 2008 in sewing. Tagged: bag, blocks, doll clothes, drawstring, handmade, messenger bag, sewing, toys.

This little bag was my present to my daughter even though I didn’t wrap it or even call it a present. Because December was so full of presents my daughter started expecting them everyday–well before christmas–and when there weren’t any she demanded More! Presents! But I still wanted to give her something. We did a lot of traveling for christmas, which if you have kids means schlepping an amazing amount of stuff around. I though it would be nice if my daughter could carry some of her own things. I followed one of the millions of tutorials on craftster (does anyone else remember when it was in it’s infancy?) for a simple bag. I’m new to making bags, not being a bag person myself, but it wasn’t all that hard really. I used a sew in interfacing, which made for a lot more cutting and sewing but I didn’t think to put it in the flap or the strap and I should have. Two year olds get frustrated easily (and all the time, ugh) so I think it’s important that the bag has some structure. I used a magnet closure thinking that it would be easy for her to use, but damn those are some strong magnets! It was filled with almost all handmade toys, which made me incredibly happy and very proud. And it meant that I didn’t have to shove even more crap in the diaper bag. She carried it the whole way.

The fabric (because a couple people have asked) is Alexander Henry and I’m not much for little kids prints, but I really like this one. And the inspiration for making the bag in the first place came from Beth at writemamawrite. She has a great list of things to pack for toddlers in that post as well, but let’s hope you have no more traveling to do–this year at least! We have one more plane ride home (home!) tomorrow and we’ll see if the excitement of “my new purse!” can last until then. Hell, I hope I last until then.
Posted December 28th, 2007 in sewing. Tagged: bag, bears, green, kids, messenger bag, sewing.

I have a few more presents to show that have been opened and (thankfully) well received. This is a plastic bag made from many, many plastic bags. The directions came from Esty Labs and a quick search on youtube will give you a video of the whole process. You fuse three plastic bags together between sheets of parchment paper then zigzag them all together to make plastic fabric. I was originally going to make it in the shape of a plastic bag, but I kept melting holes in the plastic and the “fabric” was getting smaller and smaller. There is a picture of a patchwork plastic bag in the link above, so with that in mind I cut a bunch of squares and using a paper bag for a template (how ironic) made a plastic patchwork bag. Plastic bags are surprisingly easy to sew and this came together very quickly. It’s incredibly light and though it doesn’t feel sturdy it can hold a bunch of stuff. It’s hard to avoid ending up with a bunch of plastic bags these days, even if you make a special effort not to. And this is a nice way to at least put those evil things to good use.
Posted December 27th, 2007 in sewing. Tagged: bag, fused, gift, patchwork, plastic, sewing, together.

holiday birthdays always get the shaft. I don’t have one, but have sisters and friends that do and I’ve heard many lectures on the topic (all riviting). The lesson always is never ever say, “this present counts for christmas and your birthday!” So go back to your christmas list, make a new column for birthdays and do these poor, suffering people a favor and make them a birthday present (you get extra points for wrapping it with actual birthday paper).
I made this train bag for a little boy, whose birthday is before thanksgiving (so it doesn’t quite count as a holiday birthday). I used this very clever tutorial and did some freezer paper stencils on the inside. The stencils were not planned and really should have been, but oh well it’s not bad. He didn’t seem to mind, but he is only 2.

Posted November 28th, 2007 in sewing. Tagged: bag, sewing, toys, trains.

I made this a few months back for a dear friend with a new baby. The pattern is from Amy Karol’s lovely book, Bend the Rules Sewing. But I made it quite a bit bigger so it could accommodate a couple diapers and a travel pack of wipes. The patchwork stripe continues around the back and the bag is lined with the same ruler print. The rest is linen. It turned out a little classy and I think that’s what you need when most of your day is spit up and mooshed carrots and dirty diapers. I got such wonderful feedback when I put the picture up on flickr, that I thought I’d share it here as well. And it would make a nice (and quick) christmas gift.
I’m trying to post everyday this month (in the spirit of NaBloPoMo) but it’s 9pm on the 4th day and I’m already sweatin’ it, so we’ll see what happens. Hope everyone had a lovely weekend!
Posted November 5th, 2007 in sewing. Tagged: amy karol, bag, button, clutch, gift, handmade, linen, sewing.